Länsförsäkringar Bank

One of Sweden's largest retail banks

Länsförsäkringar Bank is one of Sweden's largest banks. The strategy is based on the Länsförsäkringar Alliance's large customer base, a strong brand and local presence through the customer-owned regional insurance companies.

Banking services are offered primarily to the 3.9 million customers of the Länsförsäkringar Alliance. Customer contact takes place during personal meetings at 115 of the regional insurance companies' branches throughout Sweden and via digital services and telephone.

The aim is, based on low risk, to continue to drive growth in volumes and profitability, have the most satisfied customers and increase the share of customers who have both banking and insurance with Länsförsäkringar.


Länsförsäkringar Bank AB (publ)
Street address: Tegeluddsvägen 11-13
Postal address: SE-106 50 Stockholm
Telephone: +46 8 588 400 00

Sven Eggefalk
President Länsförsäkringar Bank AB
+46 8 588 414 37
+46 70 240 47 04

Martin Rydin
CFO, Länsförsäkringar Bank AB
+46 8 588 412 79
+46 73 964 28 23

Financial information

January-June 2024

The period in brief, Group

  • Operating profit rose 12% to SEK 1,270 M (1,130) and the return on equity amounted to 9.2% (8.6).
  • Net interest income declined 5% to SEK 3,353 M (3,515).
  • Net commission income, excluding remuneration to the regional insurance companies, increased 20% to SEK 828 M (691).
  • Operating income increased 9% to 2,860 M (2,627).
  • Operating expenses declined 1% to SEK 1,271 M (1,280), including a cost reduction of SEK 176 M due to recovered VAT in Wasa Kredit. Excluding this item, expenses increased 13%.
  • Credit losses amounted to SEK 121 M (21), net, corresponding to a credit loss level of 0.06% (0.01), most of which derived from Wasa Kredit.
  • Operating profit was impacted by fees levied of SEK 199 M (196) during the period, of which risk tax comprised SEK 129 M (127).
  • Business volumes increased 12% to SEK 976 billion (870).
  • Lending increased 5% to SEK 394 billion* (375).
  • Deposits declined 1% to SEK 152 billion (153).
  • Fund volumes increased 26% to SEK 430 billion (342).
  • The Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio for the Consolidated Situation amounted to 15.0% (15.0**) on 30 June 2024.

Figures in parentheses pertain to the same period in 2023.

*  Loans to the public excluding deposits with the Swedish National Debt Office and similar items.
** Pertains to 31 March 2024.

Interim Report January-June 2024

Investor presentation Q2 2024

Financial calendar
Date Report
February 11, 2025

Year-end Report 2024

October 22, 2024

Q3 Report, 2024

Current Rating

Standard & Poor's

  • Long: A/Positive
  • Short: A-1(K-1)


  • Long: A1/Stable
  • Short: P-1

Historical Ratings

2023 November Länsförsäkringar Bank's long-term credit rating was revised to A/positive from A/stable outlook from Standard & Poor’s.

2015 May Länsförsäkringar Bank's long-term credit rating was revised to A1/stable from A3/Stable outlook from Moody's. Short-term rating was revised to P-1 from P-2.

2013 June Länsförsäkringar Bank's long-term credit rating was revised to A3/stable from A2/negative outlook from Moody's. Short-term rating was revised to P-2 from P-1.

2011 October Länsförsäkringar Bank's long-term credit rating was revised to A2/negative from A/2stable outlook from Moody's.

2007 February Länsförsäkringar Bank upgraded from long-term A-/positive to A/stable and from short-term A-2 to A-1 from Standard & Poor's. Upgraded from long-term A3/stable to A2/stable and from short-term P-2 to P-1 from Moody's.

2006 January Länsförsäkringar Bank upgraded from long-term A-/stable to A-/positive from Standard & Poor's.

2004 May Länsförsäkringar Bank upgraded from BBB+/stable to A-/stable from Standard & Poor's. Graded long-term A3/stable and short-term P-2 from Moody's.

2002 July Länsförsäkringar Bank graded long-term BBB+/stable and short-term A-2 from Standard & Poor's.


In nominal values and excluding repurchase agreements, as per June 30, 2022.

Funding programmes
  Limit Nom Outstanding Nom Remaining average term
Medium Term Note SEK 40 billion SEK 17.5 billion 2.1 years
Domestic Commercial Paper SEK 15 billion SEK 0.2 billion

0.1 years

Euro Commercial Paper EUR 1.5 billion SEK 0.0 billion 0.0 years
Euro Medium Term Note EUR 4 billion SEK 26.0 billion 2.2 years
Total   SEK 43.2 billion 2.2 years

EMTN and AT1 Prospectuses

Green bonds

Länsförsäkringar Bank’s green bond framework is a strong and detailed framework, which enables issuance of green bonds from Länsförsäkringar Bank and from Länsförsäkringar Hypotek. 

Green bond framework and Green bond impact report

Risks and Capital Adequacy

nsförsäkringar Bank Group applies the Internal Ratings Based (IRB) approach. The advanced IRB approach is applied to all retail exposure and for counterparty exposures to corporates and the agricultural sector up to SEK 5 M.

The Foundation IRB Approach is applied for counterparty exposures to corporates and the agricultural sector above SEK 5 M. The Standardised Approach is applied to other exposures.

The bank is monitoring the Capital Requirements Directive CRD IV / CRR and assesses that the Bank Group has a solid basis on which to meet currently coming known requirements.

Consolidated situation*, as of June 30, 2024

  • Core Tier 1 capital amounted to SEK 19,801 M
  • Core Tier 1 ratio was 15.0 percent
  • Tier 1 capital was SEK 22,351 M
  • Tier 1 ratio was 16.9 percent
  • Capital base was SEK 25,441 M
  • Total capital ratio was 19.3 percent

* As of June 30, 2021, the consolidated situation comprises Länsförsäkringar Bank and its subsidiaries (the Bank Group).

Pillar 3 disclosure

Länsförsäkringar Bank presents its Risk and Capital Management Report in accordance with Part Eight of the Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 (Capital Requirements Regulation or CRR) based on its consolidated situation. From 3 May 2021, Länsförsäkringar Bank’s consolidated situation comprises Länsförsäkringar Bank AB, Länsförsäkringar Hypotek AB, Wasa Kredit AB and Länsförsäkringar Fondförvaltning AB.

Older reports

Risk & Capital Management Reports

Quarterly disclosure Own Funds

Corporate Governance

Board of Directors

Members of the Board of Directors

  • Mathias Collén, born 1981, chair, President of Länsförsäkringar AB.
  • Ola Evensson born 1965, President Länsförsäkringar Älvsborg. Board member since 2020.
  • Niklas Larsson, born 1979, President of LF Göinge-Kristianstad. Board member since 2021
  • Hans Ljungkvist, born 1952, externally appointed. Board member since 2021
  • Anki Norrström, born 1952, President Länsförsäkringar Bergslagen. Board member since 2022.
  • Emil Källström, born 1987, external. Board member since 2022.
  • Mikael Bergström, born 1962, President LF Västernorrland, Board member since 2023
  • Anders Grånäs, born 1966, President LF Dalarnas, Board member since 2024
  • Lars Rådström, born 1967, President LF Jämtland, Board member since 2024

Employee representatives

  • Anette Andersson, born 1962, FORENA. Member of the Board since 2022.
  • Lisa-Maria Carensiö, born 1979. Member of the Board since 2021.
  • Camilla Lahger, born 1966 (Substitute). Member of the Board since 2018.
  • Christina Berg, born 1964, (Substitute), Member of the Board since 2024.

Executive Management

Members of the Executive Management

  • Sven Eggefalk born 1969, President
  • Anders Larsson, born 1965, President of Länsförsäkringar Hypotek 
  • Martin Rydin, born 1968, CFO 
  • Tobias Ternstedt, born 1972, CFO Product Process and Operation, IT.
  • Susanne Calner born 1969, Head of President’s Office
  • Bengt Clemedtson born 1964, Head of Business
  • Åsa Wallenberg, born 1972, President of Länsförsäkringar Fondförvaltning AB
  • Markus Gustafsson, born 1978, CRO
  • Thomas Högväg born 1968, President of Wasa Kredit
  • Ellinor Örtegren Johanson born 1958, Head of Financial Crime Prevention.
  • Frank Sjöberg, Acting Head of Credit.


Remuneration Committee

  • Mathias Collén (Chair) 
  • Anki Norrström

Credit Committee

  • Niklas Larsson (Chair)
  • Mathias Collén
  • Ola Evensson
  • Hans Ljungkvist

Audit Committee

  • Ola Evensson (Chairman)
  • Emil Källström

Risk and Capital Committee

  • Hans Ljungkvist (Chairman)
  • Anki Norrström
  • Mattias Karlsson, Akademierföredningen
  • Niklas Larsson

Code of Corporate Governance

Länsförsäkringar Bank AB's intention is to follow the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance (the Code) in the applicable parts, with consideration of the fact that the bank is not a stock market company.

Deviations from the provision of the Code

  • Notice and holding of an Annual General Meeting. Deviation from the provisions of the Code with respect to the fact that the company is not a stock market company and has only one shareholder.
  • Composition of Board of Directors. Deviation from the provisions of the Code occurs regarding independence of Board members and Committee members. According to the instruction for the Nomination
  • Committee, the Board of Directors is to be appropriately composed with respect to Länsförsäkringar Bank's operations, stage of development and other circumstances, and be characterised by diversity and breadth in terms of the members' competencies, experience and background. It has been decided that these requirements can be fulfilled within the framework of the Länsförsäkringar Alliance.
  • The mandate period for Board members is, as a general rule, two years. Deviation from the provisions of the Code of a maximum mandate period of one year due to the supremacy of the Annual General Meeting to dismiss and appoint a member irrespective of mandate period. A mandate period that is longer than one year contributes to ensuring continuity and establishing competence within the Board.

Länsförsäkringar Bank Corporate Governance Reports


Reporting and Self-Assessment Full-Year 2023

Reporting and Self-Assessment 2022 (pdf)

Reporting and Self-Assessment Full-Year 2022