
Länsförsäkringar Bank: Year-end report 2019

”In summary, 2019 was another good year for Länsförsäkringar Bank. We are delighted to state that we remain the player with Sweden’s most satisfied bank customers according to the Swedish Quality Index. The solid performance of the business is continuing and our position as one of the leading retail banks in Sweden was further strengthened. Growth in business volumes for the year was high, whilst maintaining a healthy balance between savings and lending. Our market shares are continuously increasing, which is confirmation that we are a natural choice for customers in an ever more competitive market, but also a clear reflection of the tremendous work done by regional insurance companies, where our strong local presence is generating favourable results. Coupled with our strategy of being a leading player in the digital arena, we believe that this is one of the main reasons for the constant high level of customer satisfaction. During the year, we successfully implemented a new core banking system and launched our Open Banking platform. Going forward, this gives us greater ability to meet customers in the digital arena and opens more opportunities for developing the digital banking services of the future to continuously create security and added value for our customers”, says Sven Eggefalk, President of Länsförsäkringar Bank.