Home insurance for students

We know what it is like to be living on a student budget and how important it is to keep your belongings safe and sound. That's why we created our Home Insurance for Students.

The home insurance provides a solid protection for your home, your belongings and yourself, even when you're traveling. 

Who can purchase student home insurance?

This insurance is for those who are 18-29 years old, are studying at a university or college, and rent or own housing. You are eligible to sign up whether you live in an apartment, student dormitory or collective, or first/second hand contract. To qualify, the residence size cannot exceed 50 square meters. Those who own an apartment will also need to obtain condominium insurance.

To be eligible for home insurance for students you must:

  • be registered at a university or college
  • study at a minimum of half time
  • be between 18-29 years old
  • rent or own your housing within Stockholm county
  • have a housing area not exceeding 50 square meters

The home insurance for students provides coverage for you and a maximum of one other person in your household who lives and is registered at the address listed on the policy. For larger households, we refer to our regular home insurance. The co-insured person must be named on the policy in order to be covered by the insurance.

For mor information about our home insurance:

Householder's comprehensive insurance - in English


If you are interested in enrolling in home insurance for students (or just want more information), complete this application and one of our friendly professionals will contact you shortly.

If you prefer to be contacted at a specific time or would like to provide any additional information, please indicate as such in the message field below. Please let us know if you don't hold a Swedish social security number.

Thank you for your application!

If you do not hold a Swedish social security number, please write your birthdate.