Annual Reports 2019 - Länsförsäkringar Bank and Länsförsäkringar Hypotek
As of today, 25 March 2020, the English translations of the 2019 annual reports for Länsförsäkringar Bank and Länsförsäkringar Hypotek are available on the respective websites below:
Länsförsäkringar Bank:
Länsförsäkringar Hypotek:
For further information, please contact:
Stefan Karkamanis, Investor Relations, Länsförsäkringar Bank AB
+46 (0)8-588 402 90, +46 (0)72-310 00 80
The Länsförsäkringar Alliance is comprised of 23 local and customer-owned regional insurance companies and the jointly owned Länsförsäkringar AB. Customers are provided with a complete offering of banking and life and non-life insurance services through their local, regional insurance companies. We offer animal and crop insurance through Agria Djurförsäkring, total solutions for reliable mortgage transactions through Länsförsäkringar Fastighetsförmedling, and financing services such as leasing, instalment payments, and loans through Wasa Kredit.