ISK account

It is always wise to have savings. If you save regularly, you will also have a reserve should anything unexpected happen or if you want to renovate your property in the future.

Savings in funds and stocks always involve a risk

Historical growth does not guarantee future growth. The money invested in funds and stocks can both increase and decrease in value and it is not certain that you will get back the entire amount invested.

Investeringssparkonto - ISK (Investment savings account) is an advantageous savings option whereby you can save in stocks, shares and other types of securities. ISKs are good because:

  • Opening an account is free
  • You can withdraw money whenever you like, free of charge
  • You can save monthly or make one-off deposits
  • You can buy, sell and exchange as often as you want and avoid having to declare every transaction
  • You do not need to pay tax on individual earnings
  • Instead you pay tax on a standardised amount which is calculated each year. We take care of your tax calculations for you and report to the Tax Agency.
  • This type of savings account is suitable for all ages
  • This type of account is good for pension savings

Need help opening an ISK account?

You are welcome to open an ISK account with us. If you want us to help you in English, please give us a call, or visit any of our offices.

Contact us

You can also apply online (only avaliable in Swedish). 

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